February 24 - What Peace Corps is Like Now
Was the last post I wrote really about Ramadan? It’s certainly been a while. I remember during our Peace Corps staging how we were told that you find lots of first year blogs online, about all the struggles of getting ones service started, but the writing falls off sharply once volunteers get into their second year. I guess I’ve fallen into that trend. So many things have happened that have made me think “what a good blog post topic!” But that’s as far as the ideas have gotten. So to get things going again, I’ll write about a very simple topic – what is Peace Corps like now, 4 months since I last wrote, and 6 months until the official end of my service? 1. Peace Corps is Comfortable It doesn't feel like a major accomplishment to get through a day now. Sure, I have hard days - but it's sort of the same as having a hard day back in Boston, or in college - just a tough day in a place where I'm used to being, where I'm pretty comfortabl